The Archdiocese of Boston and the international Catholic community stand in solidarity with our Filipino brothers and sisters in the wake of the events of Typhoon Haiyan. As reports continue concerning the the loss of life and the devastation of this storm, possibly the most severe in recorded history, we are committed to provide all possible assistance and support. At this time I am joined with the bishops of the United States, gathered in Baltimore for the annual meeting, in developing a plan for outreach to the Filipino community and a national collection to assist with relief efforts and the rebuilding that will be necessary in the Philippines.
In this time of crisis we turn to our Lord Jesus Christ, who has promised to be with us always, in prayer for the repose souls of those who perished in the storm and for the strength to bring the needed healing to the injured and to assist the Philippines in recovering from this natural disaster. Together we will go forward with our Filipino brethren as they carry out their mission in the Church and the world.
Cardinal Seán O’Malley, OFM Cap.
Archbishop of Boston
This weekend (November 16 & 17) we join parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Boston in taking a special collection in support of the relief efforts to those areas in the Philippines and Vietnam that have been devastated by the recent Super Typhoon Haiyan. All monies collected will be distributed from the Archdiocese of Boston to Catholic Relief Services. This special collection will assist persons directly impacted by this storm as well as the rebuilding of the Church in the affected areas, so that the Church may be restored in her ability to serve the people. Checks should be made payable to Our Lady of Sorrows Parish. All donations for this collection, whether cash or check, should be placed in the special envelopes which will be available in the pews and placed in the one parish collection. Thank you for your generosity.