The Christmas season begins on December 24, Christmas Eve. Next to Easter, we, the Church, hold most sacred Christmas - the remembrance of Jesus’ birth. We encourage your participation throughout the Christmas Season.
Lord God, relieve the suffering of those affected by violence in Newtown, CT or any act of violence; grant them peace of mind and a renewed faith in your protection and care. Protect us all from the violence of others, keep us safe from weapons of hate, and restore to us tranquility and peace. Help those who harm others to change their lives and turn to you. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
For several years now, the parish has provided The Faith Connection - a lectionary-based bulletin insert. RCL Benziger has recently stopped publishing The Faith Connection. We have found a comparable resource called Bringing Home the Word. Here's the December 2, First Sunday of Advent issue. Look for Bringing Home the Word in church and in the weekly email.