"Christ has no body now on earth but yours; no hands but yours; no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which the compassion of Christ must look out on the world. Yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good. Yours are the hands with which He is to bless His people."
-- St. Teresa of Avila
Our Catholic faith calls us to serve, to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world, offering works of mercy to our brothers and sisters within our homes, our parish, our community and our world.
Our Lady of Sorrows offers various opportunities to learn and grow through service. From volunteering on a summer mission trip, to getting involved with the Christian Services Commission, to taking part in a one-day service opportunity, there are many places for YOU to use your gifts to bring Christ to others and to encounter Christ in the world.
Check out our service opportunities below, and consider signing up for one or more. This list will be updated throughout the year, as dates and times are determined, and as more service opportunities are available.
Links to electronic permission slips can be found on the Sign Up Genius page (linked below with each service opportunity). Please sign up on the Sign Up Genius first, and then have a parent/guardian of the participant complete a permission slip. (Permission slips are only required for opportunities that take place off OLOS's campus).
If you are interested in taking a leadership role and facilitating one of the opportunities, or if you have any questions, please contact Tzipora Stessman at 781-784-2265.
If you are a Confirmation student, you should complete a Service Reflection Form in order to reflect upon your experience and receive credit for having taken part in it.
Continental Breakfast Item Donations Needed for MainSpring House
We are collecting continental breakfast items for donation to the MainSpring House in Brockton, which provides shelter and meals to homeless men, women and children. We need muffins, bagels, cereal in individual serving containers, yogurt in single servings, bread and juice. Donations should be dropped off in the Bullock Center anytime Monday, February 24 or before noon on February 25. Please click here to sign up.