At Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, we believe faith formation is an ongoing process meant to draw us into closer relationship with Christ and the Church. Faith formation is much broader than simply “instructing in the faith;” rather it is the term that embodies the curriculum of the whole Church, including community, liturgy, proclamation, and teaching.
Because faith formation encompasses much of the work and mission of the Church, we strive to provide opportunities for all parishioners to get involved in faith formation. We hope to create a community formed in the faith who are empowered to continue the ministry of Christ through active engagement in Church and the world.
Check out our list of on-going outside-the-classroom faith formation opportunities below, and consider getting involved in one way or another.
One-time faith formation opportunities (i.e. Coffee Hour speakers or parish social events) will be advertised in the parish bulletin, weekly e-newsletter, and the homepage of the parish website.
If you are a Confirmation candidate, you should complete this Spiritual and Enrichment Reflection Form to reflect on your experience and receive credit for having taken part in it.
Teen Choir
What: Do you play an instrument? Like to sing? Join OLOS' teen choir!
Who: All Middle School and High School Students are invited to participate.
Where: The church
When: The choir sings at approximately one-weekend liturgy per month and practices 2-3 times per month.
How: For more information, contact Daesik Cha, Music Director by email or phone (781) 784-2265.
Youth Commission
What: The Youth Commission is OLOS’ high school youth group. All high school students are welcome and encouraged to attend! All meetings are held in O’Connell Hall from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Who: All high school students are invited to participate.
Where: Bullock Center
When: The Youth Commission meets one Sunday night a month. Click here for the full schedule.
How: To sign up to be on the email list, contact Monica LaFond.
Eucharistic Ministry
What: Eucharistic Ministers provide assistance to the Ordinary Ministers (priests and deacons) of the Eucharist at our daily and weekend Liturgies. The assistance occurs in the preparation for each liturgy, the actual distribution of communion, and the purification of the sacred vessels at the conclusion of the Communion Rite.
Who: High school age parishioners and older (who have received the Sacrament of First Eucharist) can become Eucharistic Ministers.
Where: The church
When: Parishioners willing to volunteer to participate in this ministry will be provided more detailed information and instruction. The parish provides a schedule of assignments throughout the year
considering the practical concerns.
How: For more information, contact the parish office ( or 781-784-2265).
Altar Serving
What: An altar server is a lay assistant to a member of the clergy during a Christian liturgy. An altar server attends to supporting tasks at the altar.
Who: Any parishioner in grades 3 and up who has received the Sacrament of First Eucharist.
Where: The church
When: Altar servers serve at a Mass one or two times a month. New altar servers must participate in a training session.
How: For more information, contact the parish office ( or 781-784-2265).
What: Lectors read the First and Second Readings as well as the Prayer of the Faithful at weekend Masses. However, lectors are more than just "readers"; they proclaim the Word of God and serve as witnesses to their own faith.
Who: Any parishioner grades 9 and up.
Where: The church
When: Lectors read at Mass one or two times per month. New loectors must participate in a training session or meet with the lector coordinator.
How: For more information, contact the parish office ( or 781-784-2265).
Adult Faith Formation Speaker Series
What: The OLOS Faith Formation Commission identifies topics and speakers to present and lead a discussion several times throughout the year. These discussions take place on Zoom or at our parish's monthly Coffee Hours. These programs are intended to nourish and deepen the faith lives of our parishioners so that the parish community can remain vibrant and active.
Who: All parishioners are welcome.
Where: Zoom or O’Connell Hall (if during a monthly Coffee Hour)
When: The speaker series will take place throughout the year, with approximately one program per month, usually during the evening of the second Monday of the month (if on Zoom) or from 9:45-10:15 am on the first Sunday of the month if during the monthly Coffee Hour. Check out the parish bulletin for notice of dates and topics.
Advent Evening Prayer
What: This is an ancient lay-led prayer tradition which will nourish and inspire you with beautiful music, scripture and relevant reflections in a quiet candle lit atmosphere.
Who: All are welcome to strengthen their spirits at these 45-minute services.
Where: The Church
When: TBD
No need to sign up -- just show up!
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Operation Rice Bowl